Charitable Foundation Programs & Services
The Aurora Police Association Charitable Foundation was founded to help Aurora police officers and their families during times of hardship. The APA Charitable Foundation provides APD officers and their families with financial support and other resources such as medical and travel expenses, hotel rooms and food vouchers during critical incidents.
The Aurora Police Association also assists our members with expenses due to ill or injured family members, flood or fire damaged homes, and other unexpected expenses that arise out of unfortunate circumstances. The Charitable Foundation provides financial assistance to our APA members, their families and other organizations throughout Aurora and our law enforcement community.
The Scholarship Fund was established in 2016 for the children of our members who have graduated high school and are pursuing careers or continued education in law enforcement.
The Charitable Foundation started the Shop with a Cop program to provide back to school supplies and holiday gifts for Aurora children and their families. Shop With A Cop in law connects Aurora Police Officers to our community by providing an opportunity to help children and families in Aurora. Twice yearly, in July and December, the Charitable Foundation provides money for school and holiday shopping to over 100 kids for Shop with a Cop.
The Charitable Foundation provides financial assistance to our APA members, their families and other organizations throughout Aurora and our law enforcement community. All the programs and services provided by the Aurora Police Association Charitable Foundation is supported by donations from local donors, businesses and organizations in Aurora, for Aurora, and for the benefit of our members and community.
Use the below form to apply for Charitable Foundation Assistance Request or request a donation from the Charitable Foundation Board. For high school students looking to apply for the Scholarship Fund, please see the Charitable Foundation website.
Once submitted, your request will be sent to the APA Charitable Foundation Board for review. Visit the Aurora Police Association Charitable Foundation website for more information about our charitable giving or contact the APA Offices directly about your request at: [email protected]